Why hire an interior decorator?

We’ve all spent a lot more time at home recently. And with all of that additional time at home, a lot of folks realized their space could use a little TLC. But, it can be hard to feel inspired or clear about how to change their space. That’s why some turn to an experienced interior decorator when they’re ready for a change. An interior decorator will uncover new possibilities for your space and help you feel confident in your styling choices. As a Certified Interior Decorator (CID), I have the expertise to assist with a wide variety of home decorating needs including:

Paint Color: “Oh my goodness, there are so many white paint options!” I can guarantee that anyone who has painted a room before has uttered that line. It can be overwhelming to sift through hundreds of paint colors, let alone the right gloss and trim colors on top of that. An interior decorator can help you narrow down your choices based on the principles of design and color theory so you can feel confident in whatever colors you choose.

Light fixtures: Lighting is essential to every room, so it’s important to pick light fixtures that are practical for the space, create the right ambiance, and reflect your personal style. Do you like pendants? Chandeliers? Sconces? Big fixtures? Understated fixtures? Interior decorators can help you think through all of your options and pick pieces that you’ll love. 

Furniture Selection: I call it the ‘furniture research rabbit hole.’ A lot of my clients start to look for potential pieces and find themselves hours later more confused, overwhelmed, and somehow staring at 14 newly opened tabs. Our job as interior decorators is to minimize your stress and do all of that legwork for you. We can narrow down your options (or even select on your behalf!) so you don’t have to spend hours online or in stores looking at furniture.

Room Arrangement: Many of my clients are folks who have recently moved and realize their stuff doesn’t quite work well in the new space. But, it’s the furniture they have and, besides a few new investment pieces, need to make their current stuff work. I love helping clients find creative solutions to make their rooms come together beautifully without starting from scratch. 

As a Certified Interior Decorator (CID), I love helping clients discover their personal style to make their homes look fabulous. Our homes are a reflection of who we are and they should evoke feelings of happiness, calmness, and confidence. If you’re going to spend more time at home, you should really, really love being there.

Ready to hire an interior decorator? We’d love to help! Contact us today to schedule your free consult.


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