With gratitude

I remember on December 31, 2020 feeling an immense amount of hope for a better year ahead. But unfortunately, there was no New Years Eve magic that night.  2021 was still a difficult year. I thought the pandemic would be over by early summer and we’d all get back to a sense of normalcy. Instead, we’re hosting Thanksgiving and asking our guests to take a rapid covid test before they can join the festivities. That isn’t normal. 

But, I’m a ‘silver linings’ kind of person and recognize a lot of good things happened this year, too. This Thanksgiving, I am extraordinarily grateful for many things but especially for:


Our Growing Family: In February, we welcomed our son, Graham - a Valentine’s Day baby! We were lucky enough to take full advantage of MA’s new Paid Family and Medical Leave and thoroughly enjoyed our extended maternity and paternity leaves. We loved getting that extra time with our little one, especially because it’s a lot harder to care for a newborn when you have a toddler to chase around the house. Although there wasn’t an immediate lovefest between the two brothers, I have enjoyed seeing their bond strengthen and can tell they both love each other, in their unique ways. 


Our Health: It seemed this fall, I was at the pediatrician’s office every week, usually because of an ear infection or nasty cold. We even went to the ER a few Sundays ago because my 2 year-old was in agonizing pain due to yet another ear infection. But despite some tough days, I recognize we are so lucky in the grand scheme. In a year full of illness and lives lost, I feel very lucky that both boys are healthy and growing. 


Taking Chances: With more time on my hands because of maternity leave, I reflected on my job, my personal goals, and what I want out of life.  When I look back, what will I be most proud of?  How do I want to spend my days given how precious time is? I think because of all the uncertainty we faced, it actually felt strangely easy to walk away from my HR career to follow my passion. I’m so lucky to have such supportive friends and family who encouraged me along the way - and never once made me feel unhinged for starting my own business during a pandemic. I also feel lucky to have clients who took a chance on me and supported A Pretty Neat Place from the very beginning. 


So: thank you, thank you, thank you. I love hearing the positive feedback and seeing the smiles on my clients’ faces when we make their dream a reality. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s the reason I do what I do. Yes, I love transforming spaces, but what I really love is working with such incredible people. 


With gratitude,



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